这个想法是创建一个访问页面的轨迹,让你随时能够跳回到之前的页面,并查看最近访问的页面。如果无法使用面包屑导航,因为没有定义清晰的父/子结构,那么这个功能就很有用。此外,这个组件/助手只在 appController 本身和你的布局中包含一次。无需手动将代码添加到每个页面。
我也尝试过使用 $referer 变量、后退按钮和 JavaScript 后退函数,但最终轨迹总是会被 save、edit 等函数/方法搞乱。这个组件/助手包将允许你自定义要忽略的方法和控制器,并以以下形式显示一个漂亮的可点击轨迹:
组件 (索引) > 组件 (查看) > 组件 2 (索引) >
这个包包含一个组件 - 它可以从 appController 本身调用一次,也可以从每个控制器本身调用一次 - 以及一个助手,可以在你的视图或直接在布局中调用。如果从布局调用,请确保按照安装步骤 3 中的说明将助手添加到你的 app_controller 中。
=== 组件 ===
* NavigationComponent
* @author Rene Weber
* @website http://www.webrene.com
* @modified by Rene Weber, 23.04.2012
* @version 1.0
* @cakephp 1.3
* Purpose
* ---------
* Track your way and allow Backwards movement.
* The Idea is to create a trail of visited pages, allowing you always jump back.
* This can help if a breadcrumb logical can not be used, since there is no clean hierachical structure
* with parent/child structure
* I also played with referer variable, back button usage and javascript back but in the end the trac was
* always getting messed by functions / methods like save, edit, etc.
* This Component/Helper pack will allow you to customize methods and controllers to be ignored and to
* display a nice, linked trail in the form of
* Component ( index ) > Component ( view) > Component2 ( index ) >
* What does it constis of
* -------------------------
* 1. NavigationComponent ( this file )
* The component constists of 4 Functions:
* - process: The main function to be called from appController: Stores current page,
* handles clicks on links,
* keeps trail short
* - storeTrail : Stroes current trail to session ussing $sessionVarName
* - walkBack : If a Link was clicked in our trail, remove all visited pages behind this link
* This only happens for links passing $navpointUrl and the index.
* See corresponding NavigationHelper to created correct links
* - shrinkTrail: Shift trail until it's length reaches $maxItems or the given length
* - cleanTrail: Call this on logout in order to remove trail variable
* 2. NavigationHelper
* Meant to create correct Links to jump back in time. These links also include the index in our trail
* and therefor the trail will be adjusted after clicking such a link.
* Installation
* ----------------
* 1. Add Component to app/controllers/components/
* 2. Add Helper to app/views/helpers/
* 3. Add Helper to AppController ( nessecary to use in layout) in app/app_controller.php:
* var $helpers = array(... , 'Navigation');
* --> If $helpers was not defined yet, you will have to add all used helpers like 'Html' etc.
* 4. Call 'process' in app_controller.php directly at the beginning of beforeFilter and set variable
* $this->Navigation->Process( $this );
* $this->set('trail', $this->Navigation->trail );
* 5. In your Layout or in your desired View, call the trail creator or only read the link:
* $this->Navigation->printBacklinks( $trail, 8 )
* or
* echo $this->Html->link("Back", $this->Navigation->getBacklinkForView( $trail ) );
* 6. Possibly you want to enclose 'printBacklinks' into a div and adjust its hover and look.
* i.e.
* <div class='crumb'>$this->Navigation->printBacklinks( $trail, 8 )</div>
* and
* .crumbs { color: #999; }
* .crumbs a { color: #aaa; font: 0.9em arial; }
* .crumbs a:hover { font-size: 1em; color: #000; font-weight: bold; }
class NavigationComponent extends Object {
/************************************** GLOBAL VARIABLES MAY BE ADJUSTED ***************************************/
* Methods that shall not be stored. I.e. going from Index to View to Edit to Save
* forwarding you to View again, a back button should ignore the Edit but push you back to Index.
var $ignoreMethods = array( 'edit', 'save' );
var $ignoreControllers = array( 'CakeError', 'Users' );
* Keyname to store session variable in
var $sessionVarName = 'Navigation';
* This is the key we will use in URL to pass the index to our component.
* Default is 'navpoint' and MUST BE THE SAME IN HELPER!
* i.e. http://myhost/posts/123?navpoint=3 -> Will jump to 3rd point and delete the rest behind
var $navpointUrl = 'navpoint';
* Maximum entries in our trail variable. Default: 8
var $maxItems = 8;
/******************************** END OF GLOBAL VARIABLES. DO NOT CHANGE BELOW ***********************************/
* Array holding the Trail we are Moving in
var $trail = array();
* Write Trail to Session
function storeTrail(){
$this->Session->write( $this->sessionVarName, $this->trail );
var $components = array('RequestHandler', 'Session');
* If a navigation click brought us here, let's clean all other items
* This happens if we came here via helper. This can be parsed from the params.
* e.g. /posts/view/1/navpoint/3 --> Navpoint = 3, clean everything behind
* It will be next value behind navpoint
function walkBack( &$controller ){
if( isset( $controller->params['url'][$this->navpointUrl] ) ){
for ( $i=sizeof($this->trail); $i>$controller->params['url'][$this->navpointUrl]; $i-- ){
unset( $this->trail[$i] );
function process( &$controller ) {
$skipThis = 0;
$controllerName = $controller->name;
/* Restore from Session if exists */
if( ( $sessionVar = $this->Session->read( $this->sessionVarName ) ) )
$this->trail = $sessionVar;
/* Check if one of our crumbs was clicked ( will be passed via URL ) */
$this->walkBack( $controller );
/* Check if current Method is included in our Ignore List */
if( in_array( $controller->params['action'], $this->ignoreMethods ) )
$skipThis = 1;
/* Check if current Controller is included in our Ignore List */
if( in_array( $controller->name, $this->ignoreControllers ) )
$skipThis = 1;
/* Ignore reload of same controller and same action */
if( sizeof( $this->trail ) > 0 ){
$lastElement = $this->trail[sizeof( $this->trail ) -1 ];
if ( !empty( $lastElement['url'] ) &&
$lastElement['url'] == $controller->params['url']['url'] ) {
$skipThis = 1;
/* Add current Page to trail */
if( $skipThis != 1 )
$this->trail[] = array( 'url' => $controller->params['url']['url'],
'action' => $controller->params['action'],
'controller' => $controllerName,
/* Shorten Trail to maximum lenght */
/* Store trail to session */
function shrinkTrail( $length=-1 ){
if( $length == -1 ){
$length = $this->maxItems;
while( sizeof( $this->trail ) > $length ){
array_shift( $this->trail);
function cleanTrail() {
$this->trail = array();
$this->Session->delete( $this->sessionVarName );
=== 助手 ===
* NavigationHelper
* @author Rene Weber
* @website http://www.webrene.com
* @modified by Rene Weber, 23.04.2012
* @version 1.0
* @cakephp 1.3
* Purpose
* ---------
* Create Links for jumping back in trail and add Information for NavigationComponent to adjust its trail
* Which files are needed?
* -------------------------
* 1. NavigationHelper ( This file )
* Meant to create correct Links to jump back in time. These links also include the index in our trail
* and therefor the trail will be adjusted after clicking such a link.
* - printBackLinks: Need trail variable and length
* Will print length amount of the last visited pages with links in one row seperated
* by $this->seperator ( see global variables )
* - getBacklinkForView: Yes, this is a long function name. It will return only an URL to be used.
* 2. NavigationComponent
* The component constists of 4 Functions:
* - process: The main function to be called from appController: Stores current page,
* handles clicks on links,
* keeps trail short
* - storeTrail : Stroes current trail to session ussing $sessionVarName
* - walkBack : If a Link was clicked in our trail, remove all visited pages behind this link
* This only happens for links passing $navpointUrl and the index.
* See corresponding NavigationHelper to created correct links
* - shrinkTrail: Shift trail until it's length reaches $maxItems or the given length
* Installation
* ----------------
* See Component!
* @author Rene Weber
* @website http://www.webrene.com
* @modified by Rene Weber, 23.04.2012
* @version 1.0
* @cakephp 1.3
class NavigationHelper extends AppHelper {
/************************************** GLOBAL VARIABLES MAY BE ADJUSTED ***************************************/
* This array allows you to define aliases for printBackLinks function. Simple example:
* Without aliases: Posts ( indexEditor ) > Messages( indexNoNews ) > ...
* With aliases: Posts ( Mine ) > Messages( Read ) >...
var $actionAliases = array( 'indexSelection' => 'Type Selection',
'indexGrouped' => 'Grouped',
'indexEditor' => 'My Edits',
'index' => '',
'indexNoNews' => 'No News',
'indexOldVersion' => 'Old Version',
* Seperator for function printBackLinks
var $seperator = " > ";
* This is the key we will use in URL to pass the index to our component.
* Default is 'navpoint' and MUST BE THE SAME IN HELPER!
* i.e. http://myhost/posts/123?navpoint=3 -> Will jump to 3rd point and delete the rest behind
var $navpointUrl = 'navpoint';
/******************************** END OF GLOBAL VARIABLES. DO NOT CHANGE BELOW ***********************************/
var $helpers = array( 'Html' );
var $controllerAliases = array();
function printBackLinks( $trail, $count = 1 ) {
for ( $i=$count; $i>0; $i-- ){
if( sizeof( $trail ) < $i )
$lastElement = $trail[sizeof( $trail ) - $i ];
$displayController = $lastElement['controller'];
$displayAction = $lastElement['action'];
if( isset( $this->actionAliases[ $lastElement['action'] ] ) )
$displayAction = $this->actionAliases[ $lastElement['action']];
if( isset( $this->controllerAliases[ $lastElement['controller'] ] ) )
$displayController = $this->controllerAliases[ $lastElement['controller'] ];
if( !empty( $displayAction ) )
$displayAction = '( '.$displayAction.' )';
$url = '/'.$lastElement['url'].'?'.$this->navpointUrl.'='.(sizeof( $trail ) - $i);
echo $this->Html->Link( $displayController.$displayAction, $url );
echo $this->seperator;
function getBacklinkForView( $trail ) {
$url = '';
if( isset( $trail[sizeof( $trail ) - 2 ] ) ){
$lastElement = $trail[sizeof( $trail ) - 2 ];
$url = '/'.$lastElement['url'].'?'.$this->navpointUrl.'='.(sizeof( $trail ) - 2);
return $url;